This is a We Own It review of the Fingbox network security and troubleshooting box.
Fingbox is an extension of the successful Fing application, that allows you to trouble shoot your network from your ios or Android device. The app has over 20 Million users so even if they only get 5% using the box this has huge potential.
It was created after an impressive Indiegogo campaign where it received 1,744% of its funding!
We were lucky enough to get our hands on one of the first Fingboxs in the UK at their London launch event.
Size wise the device fits in the palm of my hand, its a little bigger thank we imagined .

What does Fingbox do?
The Fingbox box connects to your router, or any part of your network. It then monitors your network offering:
– Network Scanning & Digital Fence
It lets you know in real time as devices join and leave your network. One cool thing about this is you set users and it alerts you when they enter the network – for example if your child comes home or your cleaner comes. This is all done behind the scenes, they don’t even need to join your network just be in range and you get an alert. Also you get the alert where ever you are no need to be on the home network.

It also shows all the channels every device is on allowing you to find the best channel for your wifi.

– Parental controls
Based on users you can limit internet on any device, great for bedtime or when someone is supposed to be doing homework.

– Identifying network hogs
This is a very interesting feature as you can quickly see where the bandwidth is going on your network. For example, has your camera decided to upload photos to the cloud whilst your trying to stream a film on a Saturday night. Once you have found the hog you can pause its internet access.

– Wifi analysis
This test the actual speed of the wifi coming from your router to your device. As you walk around you can see it change. It also shows if this speed can stream SD, HD or 4K.

– Speed test
This is the speed of the internet coming into your router.
– Hacker Threat Check
Unfortunately this didn’t make it into the version we received they told us its because they are reworking the feature to include even more threats and insights.
How easy is it to setup?
Very easy! We already use the Fing app and had an account setup, if you don’t you need to install the free app (ios / Android). Create a free account.
Plug Fing into your network, it does need power but a micro usb cable with plug adapters comes in the box.
One plugged in open the app and scan the network as normal, Fingbox is detected.
Few easy configuration questions and its all setup.

Once setup you can start creating users, one nice touch is it can read your phonebook and pull in people and photos from your phone, to save you entering names.

What’s the connectivity?
Fingbox at present does not work with any external connectivity however at the launch event one of the founders, Carlos Medas, told us that they are looking at IFTTT and an API to allow connectivity. They wanted to launch the product first and get feedback on what users wanted.
From us it’s a big we want IFTTT integration.
Fingbox does have a USB port at present its for debugging but potential for log files later in life.
How much does Fingbox cost?
The retail price is $99 – take a look on
Check the Price on Amazon UK Check the Price on Amazon US
What’s it like living with Fingbox?
Great! Never have we had this level of control or information about our network in one place.
The app is very intuitive and good to use, this is probably due to the fact Fingbox is integrated into the proven app rather than starting again.
After only using it for a few minutes we identified a few issues with our network we could easily fix and improve stability. We have also set alerts for other smart home tech, for example our Ring Doorbell so if it falls offline we know.
What are our final thoughts?
This already is a good addition to our smart home, excited to see where it goes and what more this magic little box can do in the future. The founders told us the firmware can be updated very easily in minutes, being sub 3MB.
We would give this a higher score if it worked with IFTTT, Stringify or had an API – but as we said hopefully that is coming soon.